
Your IQ is: 125

Standard Deviation (SD): 15

Your age adjusted IQ score is 125 and the average score for all test takers is 98.4.

Your Grade ** Superior **

Well done! Your performance on the test was well above the population average which means that you have the ability to achieve success in life. Typically, people with scores in this range can see logic in their surroundings and perform very well academically. You like to conceptualize ideas and gather your own information which means that you have the brains to go far. You should be able to handle all academic challenges and if you think of intelligence as an ability to adapt adequately to new situations then you are heading in the right direction.

A number of famous figures have the same IQ score range as yours such as: US president George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, Actress-Producer Nicole Kidman, Oscar Winning actress Jodie Foster, Politician-Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.

At this level of IQ, you have a great chance of success as your logical thinking will undeniably aid you in any field, call it politics, science, business and most specially academic-related. Your ability to solve novel problems without background knowledge obviously puts you at advantage in everything you do.

People with this range of IQ have many opportunities opening up for them. It is your choice as to where your true passion lies and work hard for it. Although it seem easier for you to gain success in any field, remember Albert Einstein himself once said “Genius is 99% hard work and 1% talent”. With proper investment of your time and effort, you stand a golden chance of making great contribution and make yourself remembered.

We are sorry for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience!

Best regards,

IQ Report Team

IQ Chart
IQ RangeClassification
Above 145Genius or near genius
130-145Very superior
100-115Above average
85-100Below average
Below 70Borderline deficiency

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